Humans – Machines – Environments
Menschen – Maschinen – Umwelten

Welcome to the website of the 10th conference of the Gender Studies Association Austria (ÖGGF). 

From 18-20 September 2024, the 10th conference of the Gender Studies Association Austria (ÖGGF) will take place at the University of Graz & Graz University of Technology on the theme of "Humans - Machines - Environments".

(Early career) scientists working in all disciplines as well as artists are invited to address a highly topical question: How have the far-reaching biotechnological and information technology developments in recent decades transformed the division of labour in society and gender hierarchy(ies)? Topics such as the role of gender in technology, the interaction between humans and machines, and biases in artificial intelligence will be addressed.

Conference Programme:

Click the button on the left side or take a look at the various detailed views for each day:

Detailed view for Wednesday, 18. September:
Konferenzzeitplan – ÖGGF Conference in Graz 2024 (
Detailed view for Thursday, 19. September:
Konferenzzeitplan – ÖGGF Conference in Graz 2024 (
Detailed view for Friday, 20. September:
Konferenzzeitplan – ÖGGF Conference in Graz 2024 (

Take a look at our programme booklet!!!

Register now for the 2024 ÖGGF conference in Graz.

In order to register to participate, you must create a user account. You can then use these login details to log in at any time and to view your documents (booking confirmation & ticket), edit your personal data, or your contribution.

Important! Please let us know of any personal requirements (such as family support, sign language interpreting, etc.) by 8 September at the latest so that we can guarantee appropriate support.

Follow us on Insta: oeggf2024


The aim is to organize the event in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings.


The Converia conference management software supports the submission of contributions and the registration process.




Supported by:
Stadt GrazGrazLand Steiermark